Doing a risk assessment is very important for our group. It is used as a plan before we film, to ensure the safety of all people present on the filming set and also to ensure we don't damage the equipment that we have been given. It is also a legal requirement and must be included in all filming productions, such as movies and also music videos. It is important to consider, as not only do we not want people hurt, but also even death can occur with some risks mentioned, obviously something we want to prevent from happening and creating a risk assessment allows us to be aware of the potential risks, know who or what is in danger, how to prevent it from happening and also provide a back-up plan incase we need it to further move past the risk.
Looking back, after filming we did indeed encounter a risk at Liverpool Street that wasn't in our risk assessment, an intoxicated disorderly man wearing a onesie. Despite our pleas and continuous requests of not wanting any alcoholic beverages, he insisted on offering us some which would be highly dangerous as one group member is under the age of 18. We were startled and alarmed, but the man finally scurried away and all the group members were left unscathed and uninjured and we continued with our filming. In future, our group should include drunk people as risks in our risk assessment, as Liverpool Street has many bars, therefore there is a higher chance of coming across someone drunk and aggressive who may cause trouble, the Liverpool Street area is notorious for drunken fights, for example, Leyton Orient Vs Brentwood Hooligans fight in 2011, so the area can be dangerous for drunk people and it should have been in our risk assessment and we should have been better prepared for this event.
This post demonstrates some understanding of what a risk assessment is and the purpose that it has to a production. The table that you have included, demonstrates some evidence of group planning that has been taken, as it is clear to see that you have considered the risks of your production. However, you need to ensure that you have considered your group storyboards in further detail.
Elaborate on the points that you have included in your conclusion, by explaining what you would do differently the next time you film, to avoid any further risks.